Martyn Ford a.k.a “The Nightmare” used to be a skinny geek, but now weighs over 325 lbs, and is over 6’8″. People are known to shake in fear at the very sight of this tattooed Man beast. He’s actually a pretty nice guy.
He initially had dreams of becoming a professional cricket player. His dreams never manifested because he suffered a career ending injury. So he decided to gain 200 lbs. and become a comic book villain instead.

Becoming “The Nightmare” all started with a serious desire to learn about lifting weights.

I never really had a goal as such, I just wanted to be bigger. 12 years on I seem to be that for sure, but there’s still more to achieve with my physique. The initial transformation I would say took two to three years. You were definitely looking at two different people then for sure.

Here’s how he used to look when he was skinny nerd:

His decision to dedicate his life to lifting weights has paid off big.
His impressive and intimidating appearance got him his big break into acting:
Acting came about by chance to be fair. It was something I had always had in the back of my mind. People always said ‘you should be in films’ etc but that’s as far as it went. Then one day, a friend of mine – a great actor who has been in Hollywood films himself – suggested I went for the role of the bad guy in the latest James Bond film. His agent sorted out the casting, and before you know it I was sat in a huge, posh lounge in London waiting to audition. Unfortunately I never got that role but it kickstarted my acting career to date. I signed up to a great agent in London, got myself into acting school and before you know it I’d managed to secure my first job. It was a pilot which was filmed in South Africa for an American TV channel. Ray Winston was the lead man and it was an incredible experience.

Martyn believes food is an important part to his success and eats up to 7000+ calories a day.

Here’s his advice for younger adults looking to do the same:

The best advice I could give to young lads is to research! There are so many kids who jump into training and just presume by moving weights and working hard that results will automatically come. Knowledge is an amazing tool, and with so much out there don’t be a fool. Give yourself every opportunity to be a success and also be safe.

What a great guy, and absolute unit.